Photo: Participants in the Parliament Learning Exchange (Left to right) - Mohammed Hardi Nyagsi, Parliament of Ghana; John Mugabi Bagonza, Parliament of Uganda, Christina Mafoko, Director of Research, Parliament of Zimbabwe; Abrahan Ibn Zackaria, Parliament of Ghana.

Promoting the use of evidence in parliaments

Photo: Participants in the Parliament Learning Exchange (Left to right) – Mohammed Hardi Nyagsi, Parliament of Ghana; John Mugabi Bagonza,...

The EIPM Toolkit: An open resource for practitioners and civil servants in developing countries

Emily Hayter from the INASP EIPM team explains how the VakaYiko Evidence-Informed Policy Making Toolkit can be used as a resource material by civil servants, researchers and trainers independently, and without any prior training.

Knowledge into policy: Going beyond “Context matters”

In an article first published in the Politics and Ideas blog, Vanesa Weyrauch shares her experience of writing a new study Going beyond “Context matters”, that aims to promote the use of knowledge into policy. This framework is written in collaboration with INASP.