Research and knowledge systems in difficult places – part 1: South Sudan

Research and knowledge systems in difficult places – part 1: South Sudan

In the first of a series of blog posts based on recent analysis into the research and knowledge systems in fragile or conflict states, Jon Harle considers South Sudan.

Articles on gender issues from Journals Online platforms in honour of International Women’s Day

Articles on gender issues from Journals Online platforms in honour of International Women’s Day

Today is International Women’s Day; to celebrate we thought we would draw attention to some of the recent articles available through our Journals Online platforms highlighting gendered issues from around the world.

21 years of climate discussions

What sort of deal will the Paris meeting agree to? Will it be legally binding? Ultimately, these questions place great hopes in the Paris talks but it remains to be seen if these hopes will come to pass... Guest blog post by Winnie Khaemba of the African Center for the Technology Studies, which presented at COP21 about work funded by a VakaYiko grant to bring together researchers and policymakers to discuss the development of Kenya's climate-change bill.

Knowledge cafe in Zimbabwe discusses evidence-informed policy making with stakeholders

The task now is to harmonize these and establish a working national evidence infrastructure to support evidence informed policymaking in Zimbabwe.

Innovation grants at INASP: working across teams to increase use of online research literature

Innovation grants at INASP: working across teams to increase use of online research literature

In the recently announced “Innovation grant for using online research literature” we have been able to bring the various components...

Evidence-informed policy making in Zimbabwe:  Challenges, Successes and Opportunities

INASP's partner ZeipNET organises a Knowledge Cafe in collaboration with US embassy to discuss challenges, opportunities and success story to implement evidence-informed policy making in Zimbabwe.

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