Do journalists need to understand the scientific process to write good science stories?

Do journalists need to understand the scientific process to write good science stories?

Since returning from a workshop on science communication for journalists I have been thinking a lot about science journalism both...

Why scientists seem to change their minds (7)

Why scientists seem to change their minds (7)

Reason 7: Part of the dataset was suppressed In the examples I mentioned yesterday (Reason 6: The entire dataset was...

Why scientists seem to change their minds (6)

Why scientists seem to change their minds (6)

Reason 6: The entire dataset was not considered The scientific method is a good way to get more objective answers...

Why scientists seem to change their minds (5)

Why scientists seem to change their minds (5)

Reason 5: Someone else misinterpreted the results Yesterday I mentioned that scientists sometimes misinterpret what they observe but of course...

Why scientists seem to change their minds (4)

Why scientists seem to change their minds (4)

Reason 4: The scientist misinterpreted the results Sometimes the scientific findings are correct but the way they are interpreted is not....

Why scientists seem to change their minds (3)

Why scientists seem to change their minds (3)

Reason 3: They lied (or at least stretched the truth!) Let’s be completely honest. Scientists are human beings and human...

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