Weekly highlights – 1 June 2015

  1. Staff highlight

“We are pleased to have moved to our new office in Oxford at the end of May. The new office has more room for the increased number of INASP staff and more space for meetings. We look forward to being able to use the increased space to continue supporting our partners and network over coming years. Thank you to everyone who helped the move go smoothly.”

Les Haynes, Financial Controller

  1. Updates
  • INASP moved offices on 28th May. Our new address is: 2/3 Cambridge Terrace, Oxford OX1 1RR.
  • New blog post considers the role that local research information could play in helping mitigate the effects of future earthquakes in Nepal.
  • This week Vanessa Fairhurst is in El Salvador to observe an information literacy strategy workshop facilitated by Jesús Lau. Follow tweets using the hashtag #inaspLAM.
  • On Thursday and Friday the second module of the VakaYiko evidence-informed policy making course will be piloted in Zimbabwe.
  1. Upcoming events
  • This week INASP is running an information literacy strategy workshop in El Salvador facilitated by Jesús Lau. Vanessa Fairhurst, Programme Assistant in the Research Access and Availability team, will be observing. Follow tweets using the hashtag #inaspLAM.
  • Emily Hayter is in Zimbabwe piloting the second module of the VakaYiko evidence-informed policy making training course with the Zimbabwe parliament, which will take place this Thursday and Friday. She will then attend the Africa Evidence Network Regional Meeting in Johannesburg.
  • The 2015 Publishers for Development conference will be held in London on 30th June.
  • The VakaYiko annual meeting will be held at GINKS’ offices in Accra, Ghana from 28th to 30th July.
  • We are recruiting for a fundraising coordinator.
  1. Latest publications
  1. External coverage

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