Developing research talent capacities in Africa: Why we must cherish research

Aurelia Munene is a Kenya-based researcher and research mentor. She is also a member and facilitator of INASP’s AuthorAID project. In this post, reposted from AuthorAID, she shares why support to researchers in Africa is so important

University library in Kenya.

Supporting access to global information and evidence

Our approach to supporting access to information has evolved over the course of our 25-year history in response to changing needs and opportunities - and must continue to evolve, write Anne Powell and Jon Harle

What can scholarly publishers do to help improve research equity?

This week Anne Powell participated in a panel discussion on recognizing biases and blind spots in improving diversity and inclusion in scholarly publishing at an SSP meeting before the Academic Publishing in Europe conference. In this post she shares some of what she spoke about the needs of Southern researchers and gives some practical recommendations for how people who work in the publishing industry can help.

Research and knowledge at the heart of development: Transforming the field in the UK

John Young reflects on evidence-informed policy work in the UK today and the need for wider global discussions about what approaches work