Can science diplomacy usher in a new era of research publishing reform?
Research and innovation underpin almost every imaginable form of social and economic advancement, but the costs of accessing and publishing...
Research and innovation underpin almost every imaginable form of social and economic advancement, but the costs of accessing and publishing...
Based on an interview conducted by Maisie Northing AuthorAID is made up of thousands of researchers in the Global South....
Global systems for disseminating new research continue to restrict access to significant amounts of new research and many cannot afford...
Our aim with AuthorAID is to see more of its content and online courses coordinated and led by researchers in...
The figures are stark – over the past 20 years, fewer than a sixth of articles in top development journals...
The Internet is abuzz with discussions about ChatGPT (Generative Pretrained Transformer), with many pundits expressing concern about the potential disruption this and other artificial intelligence (AI)...
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