Going digital – What we have learnt about online learning approaches

As the world looks to online alternatives to previously face-to-face teaching, collaborating and information exchange, we share a roundup of learning and advice from our digital learning specialists Joanna Wild, Andy Nobes, Veronika Schaeffler and Ravi Murugesan.

Enabling social change from changes in higher education

Last week the leadership team of the Transforming Employability for Social Change in East Africa partnership met to reflect on our first two years and look ahead to ensuring lasting impact. Jon Harle shares some of the reflections and the implications for wider society.

Increasing the flexibility of AuthorAID MOOCs with learning pathways

Over the past two years, we have been introducing more flexibility and customization in our online courses. Ravi Murugesan shares some of the impact of 'learning pathways' for recent AuthorAID course participants.

Joining together to redress university gender imbalances

Meeting together, sharing experiences, finding a collective voice to tackle gender inequity in research and higher education, in Ethiopia and Uganda.