Christian in the Ghanian forest, in a bee suit, holding up a bee hive

Growing knowledge, inspiring change: Christian Opoku-Kwarteng’s journey with AuthorAID in conservation science and community engagement

Based on an interview conducted by Maisie Northing AuthorAID is made up of thousands of researchers in the Global South....

Collage of two images: on the left, an Ethiopian man with a laptop and taking notes, on the right, a Kenyan woman typing on her laptop.

A digital hub for open research in East Africa to harness open research practice to generate new knowledge solutions to tackle key development challenges

With just six years to go to meet the urgent targets of the Sustainable Development Goals, we need to find...

A man sitting among a group of people in rural Bangladesh. He is talking and the group are listening.

INASP launches new course: Engaged Research for Community and Policy Impact

How can we make sure that research in and from low and middle-income countries (LMICs) not only contributes to global...

A man sitting at a desk with several computer screens doing an online course. He has his hands raised in the air and is laughing at the camera.

Unlocking Research Advancement: The Critical Role of Mastering Grant Proposal Writing

In the pursuit of top-quality research from low and middle-income countries (LMICs) and a stronger commitment to invest research funds...

Want to learn more about facilitating online events and courses? Take our updated self-study course!

In 2020 we developed and released an online course, ”Facilitating Events and Courses in an Online World’, as a resource...

A birds eye view of a glass desk with the corner of a laptop, some flowers, a pen, glasses, notepad, and a kindle situated on top of the glass.

How can educators, researchers and practitioners use digital technologies to enable learning and support change?

The world woke up to online learning during the pandemic, but for the last 10 years we’ve been quietly developing...

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