Unsafe abortions put mothers’ lives at risk in Sri Lanka
Abortion is legally permitted in Sri Lanka in cases where it could save the life of the mother. However, in...
Abortion is legally permitted in Sri Lanka in cases where it could save the life of the mother. However, in...
Earlier this year, Senior Programme Manager, Ruth Bottomley joined The Organization for Women in Science for the Developing World – in Khartoum. This video shows the launch of the OWSD Sudan National Chapter and the workshop on Bridging the Gap between Research and Publications.
INASP and African Journals Online have launched the Journal Publishing Practices and Standards (JPPS), a unique new framework for providing accreditation and support for journals in the Global South. The JPPS provides detailed and internationally accepted assessment criteria for the quality of publishing practices and policies of Southern journals. In this interview, Susan Murray, Executive Director of African Journals Online (AJOL), and Sioux Cumming, Programme Manager, Journals Online, share the origins and potential of JPPS.
INASP is leading a new area of work to help young people in Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda to use their...
The world is facing many global issues that need to be tackled collectively – from climate change and health to sustainable economies and migration. Knowledge and evidence can help us tackle these issues with informed solutions. But we need to unlock the knowledge from across the world in order to find the best ways forward. To celebrate INASP’s 25th Anniversary, we asked our Trustees to reflect on the biggest challenges in unlocking the potential of research and evidence generated in the global south to tackle worldwide issues.
The AuthorAID MOOCs in research writing are finalists for a prestigious award from the Association of Professional and Learned Society Publishers (ALPSP). The winner of this award will be announced this evening. As we wait to hear how we did, I share in this blog what I told the ALPSP annual conference yesterday.
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