Evidence reading: Innovation in organizational change
Innovation in development has been the ‘buzz’ word of the last couple of years. We all talk about it but...
Innovation in development has been the ‘buzz’ word of the last couple of years. We all talk about it but...
With gender inequalities in higher education present, but not always acknowledged, INASP aims to promote equity by actively addressing the needs of both men and women across our work and addressing issues of power within the research and knowledge system. Ruth Bottomley spoke with Science Impact about INASP's Gender Mainstreaming in Higher Education Toolkit and why it is vital that men, as well as women are active participants in the fight against gender inequality. (With thanks to STEM for sharing the post with us).
Author: Ajoy Datta, Research Associate, Overseas Development Institute, worked on the VakaYiko programme, coordinated by INASP. Ajoy is an expert...
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