Lessons from the three years of the VakaYiko EIPM programme

After three years, 11 countries, 1,164 people trained and 26 public engagement events held, the VakaYiko programme has come to an end. Emily Hayter shares some of the successes and things we have learnt.

Applying a gender lens to the production of research and knowledge

One of the principles in the new INASP strategy is that we will promote equity by actively addressing the needs of both men and women across all of our work. Ruth Bottomley explores what this means.

Indoor air pollution puts women of rural Bangladesh at risk of pulmonary diseases

Indoor air pollution puts women of rural Bangladesh at risk of pulmonary diseases Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is one...

EIPM Readings #2: Leading change in the public sector

EIPM Readings #2: Leading change in the public sector

The private sector has an enormous amount of literature written on change management, but this paper argues that, although there are some lessons to learn from them, the public sector’s context operates under different rules, which affect deeply how things work and how change can be achieved. I couldn’t agree more.

First ever Research Week in Ugandan Parliament

First ever Research Week in Ugandan Parliament

Research Week was a great success. It brought together researchers and policymakers providing a space for discussion on topical issues, and the Department of Research Services definitely met their aim of increasing their visibility within Parliament.

We won’t achieve the Sustainable Development Goals if developing country researchers can’t play their part

We have a problem. We desperately need to bring research and knowledge to bear on the world’s most pressing problems....

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