Posts by Faaria Hussain

Enabling access to research in public institutions: emerging insights

Addressing lack of access to e-resources in public institutions brings together two streams of focus at INASP: using research and knowledge for national development and sharing and communicating research knowledge.

The Parliament of Uganda’s first Research Week

The Parliament of Uganda’s first Research Week

In August the Parliament of Uganda held its first ever Research Week to increase the demand and use of evidence in the Parliament of Uganda.

First ever Research Week in Ugandan Parliament

First ever Research Week in Ugandan Parliament

Research Week was a great success. It brought together researchers and policymakers providing a space for discussion on topical issues, and the Department of Research Services definitely met their aim of increasing their visibility within Parliament.

Evidence Spotlight: The Use of Evidence in Public Health Policy Making in Zimbabwe

Onesimo Maguwu tells that there need to be some way of making the 'messages' more relevant to the policymakers for evidence-based policy in health care.