Christian in the Ghanian forest, in a bee suit, holding up a bee hive

Growing knowledge, inspiring change: Christian Opoku-Kwarteng’s journey with AuthorAID in conservation science and community engagement

Based on an interview conducted by Maisie Northing AuthorAID is made up of thousands of researchers in the Global South....


Should researchers really be worried about ChatGPT?

The Internet is abuzz with discussions about ChatGPT (Generative Pretrained Transformer), with many pundits expressing concern about the potential disruption this and other artificial intelligence (AI)...

Value for funding: the story of how a grant mobilized a country towards engaging Guatemala’s scientific diasporas

In June 2021, INASP launched a call for empowering Southern researchers and evidence professionals through an AI-enabled social learning platform....

Using AI to reduce knowledge inequity – a transdisciplinary approach

How can digital tools and artificial intelligence (AI) break some barriers in scientific collaboration, communication, and the use of research...

New Research4Life User Review sheds light on users’ needs and challenges

Research4Life programmes make a significant positive difference to research experiences in low- and middle-income countries – but only when users know they are available and how to use them. This press release from Research4Life shares key findings of a study by INASP.

Rangoli picture representing open access.

Open Access: challenges and opportunities for LMICs and the potential impact of UK policy

In late 2019, INASP was commissioned by three UK funders to undertake a consultation to understand the challenges and opportunities that open access presents to low- and middle-income country stakeholders.

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