Search Results for: maisie northing

Total posts found - 4
Christian in the Ghanian forest, in a bee suit, holding up a bee hive

Growing knowledge, inspiring change: Christian Opoku-Kwarteng’s journey with AuthorAID in conservation science and community engagement

Based on an interview conducted by Maisie Northing AuthorAID is made up of thousands of researchers in the Global South....

A group of students sitting around a table with their lecturer. They're all looking at papers.

The impact of mentorship and how flexibility is key: Alejandra’s experiences as a woman researcher from Mexico

Welcome to our final interview of this mini-blog series, celebrating and reflecting on the International Day of Women and Girls...

On not giving up and overcoming gender bias: Nafisa’s journey as a woman researcher from Sudan

Welcome to our second interview of this mini blog series, celebrating and reflecting on the International Day of Women and...

A number of posters held up at a protest march advocating for science for the common good

A Conversation with Phan Anh Thu on Being a Woman Researcher in Vietnam

Following on from yesterday’s blog post and our AuthorAID blog celebrating and reflecting on the International Day of Women and...