Creating a successful MOOC for academics in low-resource settings

Since 2013 AuthorAID’s online courses in research writing have provided support to thousands of early-career researchers in the Global South. Andy Nobes reflects on some of the lessons learnt.

Single dose of vaccine is not enough for measles eradication in Bangladesh

Single dose of vaccine is not enough for measles eradication in Bangladesh

Research in Bangladesh has found that a quarter of children need more than single doses of the measles vaccine to...

Study assesses awareness and approach towards blood donation in Bangladesh

Study assesses awareness and approach towards blood donation in Bangladesh

Blood donation is a vital life-saving process but low awareness about the importance of blood donation can impact the safe...

Unsafe abortions put mothers’ lives at risk in Sri Lanka

Unsafe abortions put mothers’ lives at risk in Sri Lanka

Abortion is legally permitted in Sri Lanka in cases where it could save the life of the mother. However, in...

Nepalese urban population at high risk of cardiovascular diseases

Nepalese urban population at high risk of cardiovascular diseases

Changing life-style in urban areas is increasing the risk of heart diseases. Recent research done in an urban population of...

Bangladesh sees high rates of drug resistance to urinary tract infection

Bangladesh sees high rates of drug resistance to urinary tract infection

Researchers caution healthcare professionals not to prescribe drugs without lab tests Organisms causing urinary tract infections (UTI) are increasingly proving...

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