JOLs platforms provide gateway to Southern HIV/AIDS research – part 1: knowledge and education
On World AIDS Day, Andy Nobes takes a look at some recent research into HIV/AIDS from Southern researchers
Today is World AIDS Day. HIV/AIDS is a pressing issue for many of the countries in which INASP works. It is also a significant focus for research in these countries. This post and the next three posts share a selection of research from the past year on the topic from the Journals Online (JOLs) platforms. This first post looks at some research in the area of public knowledge and education about HIV and AIDS.
(Some articles on the AJOL platform may not be open access. However, researchers in the developing world can register for free access on the AJOL website).
Knowledge Regarding HIV/AIDS Among the Adult Population in a Rural Community
Journal of Armed Forces Medical College, Bangladesh
Implementing HIV/AIDS Education: Impact of Teachers’ Training on HIV/AIDS Education in Bangladesh
Journal of Health, Population and Nutrition
Assessment of the Knowledge and Attitude on HIV/AIDS Among Drivers’ Wives
Kathmandu University Medical Journal
Knowledge about Hiv/Aids among Drivers in Birgunj Bus Park: A Descriptive Analysis
Academic Voices: A Multidisciplinary Journal
Knowledge, Awareness and Perception about HIV/AIDS among Primary School Teachers in Bangladesh
Bangladesh Journal of Medical Science
Voluntary Counseling and Testing (VCT) services and its role in HIV/AIDS prevention and management in Nepal
South East Asia Journal of Public Health
A Study on Perception and knowledge regarding HIV/AIDS among school students and significance of educational intervention
Janaki Medical College Journal of Medical Science
Knowledge and Practices on HIV/AIDS among Injecting Drug Users
Academic Voices: A Multidisciplinary Journal
Preventing HIV/AIDS through education: the role of primary and secondary school teachers in Nigeria
Nigerian Dental Journal
‘Cascading participation’ and the role of teachers in a collaborative HIV and Aids curriculum development project
South African Journal of Education
A Review of HIV/AIDS Awareness and Knowledge of Preventive Methods in Ghana
African Journal of Reproductive Health
Obstacles to HIV prevention, treatment and care in selected public universities in South Africa
African Journal of AIDS Research
Young adults and aids epidemics: their perception awareness information sources and sexual practices
East African Journal of Public Health
Prevalence and mitigation strategies of HIV/AIDS infection risks in Namibian tertiary education institutional hostels
SAHARA J (Journal of Social Aspects of HIV/AIDS Research Alliance)
Condom use among people living with HIV/AIDS attending Abejukolo General Hospital in Kogi State, North Central Nigeria
Annals of African Medicine
Institutionalisation of knowledge transfer on sexual behaviour in the times of AIDS: a case study from a village community in north-central Namibia
African Journal of AIDS Research
Most at-risk populations: contextualising HIV prevention programmes targeting marginalised groups in Zanzibar, Tanzania
African Journal of AIDS Research
Treating ‘AIDS blindness’: A critical pedagogical approach to HIV education at tertiary level
African Journal of AIDS Research