Three ways our new website can help you put research at the heart of development


At INASP we believe in putting research and knowledge at the heart of development. Our recently updated website makes it easier for you to find out what we do and how we are working with partners towards this vision.

1. Easily access our learning

INASP has over 25 years of experience supporting and working with Southern individuals and institutions to produce, share and use research and knowledge, which can transform lives. Our new website makes it easier to access our learning in these areas via our:

  • Easy-to-browse database of publications including toolkits, reports and learning papers
  • Regularly updated blogs written by sector experts
  • Newsletters to get our latest work sent straight to your inbox

2. Search projects and staff by area of expertise

Have you wondered whether INASP works in your country? Or who our gender and equity experts are? In the development field it can be difficult to find out who is doing what, where and how we can partner with them.

INASP strives to encourage locally generated knowledge and solutions for solving local and global challenges. Our experts work across several thematic areas through projects with specialist partners in Africa, Asia and Latin America and we wanted to make their work more accessible. Our new website makes it easier to:

  • Search our projects, past and current, by country and thematic areas
  • Find INASP staff with particular expertise to support your work

3. Get in touch and learn about how we can work with you

At INASP we pride ourselves in how we work with our partners and collaborators. Working in partnership with government agencies, development consultancies, funders and Southern partners, we develop capacity, convene meetings and events, influence policy and practice and encourage learning, all with the goal of putting research at the heart of development.

We are keen to talk to people and organizations who share our vision for a world where development is enabled by research and knowledge and our commitment to developing capacity through long-term Southern partnerships.

If you’d like to find out more about INASP’s work and how we could collaborate, we encourage you to get in touch.

Have you seen our new website? What do you think about the updated features? Let us know in the comments below.

Verity Warne
Verity Warne is Director of Communications & Engagement at INASP.

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