Promoting the use of evidence in parliaments
Photo: Participants in the Parliament Learning Exchange (Left to right) – Mohammed Hardi Nyagsi, Parliament of Ghana; John Mugabi Bagonza,...
Photo: Participants in the Parliament Learning Exchange (Left to right) – Mohammed Hardi Nyagsi, Parliament of Ghana; John Mugabi Bagonza,...
Emily Hayter from the INASP EIPM team explains how the VakaYiko Evidence-Informed Policy Making Toolkit can be used as a resource material by civil servants, researchers and trainers independently, and without any prior training.
In an article first published in the Politics and Ideas blog, Vanesa Weyrauch shares her experience of writing a new study Going beyond “Context matters”, that aims to promote the use of knowledge into policy. This framework is written in collaboration with INASP.
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