Photo of women in Bangladesh.

Study shows more women seeking healthcare in Bangladesh

Empowered women take better decisions and make better life choices for themselves and their families. They also help to reverse...

Nepal’s rich indigenous medical knowledge is under threat

Nepal is a diverse demography with over 125 ethnic communities. It is equally rich in biodiversity. The diverse ethnic communities...

Trans-Himalayan land of Upper Mustang in Nepal may face serious food insecurity

Food security is a global challenge especially in developing countries with a growing population and less land to cultivate. Erratic...

One third of the adolescent girls in Bangladesh miss school during menstruation due to lack of sanitary facilities

Adolescence is an important stage of growth characterized by significant physical, cognitive, and emotional changes. Learning at this stage leads...

Research in Sri Lanka suggests link between family history and higher risk of violence in bipolar patients

Research in Sri Lanka suggests link between family history and higher risk of violence in bipolar patients

A large population worldwide is affected by bipolar disorder and the heritability stands at around 80%. A recent medical research...

Research recommends composting as a viable option for solid waste management in Sri Lanka

Solid waste management is growing as a major problem in urban Sri Lanka with a rising population and rapid urbanization....

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