Weekly highlights – 10 August 2015


“We enjoyed the training-the-trainers workshop at Thai Nguyen University hosted by Ravi Murugesan from INASP. We like the ways the workshop was conducted. In a friendly workshop atmosphere, all participants cooperated and are eager to adapt what they have learned to their future workshop activities.”

Khoa Mai Anh, co-facilitator, Training-the-trainer workshop, Vietnam


“Our VakaYiko annual meeting in Accra last week was a great opportunity to strengthen our relationship as a Consortium and discuss our work going into the third and final year of the programme. We shared our learning and reflections from our work on evidence informed policymaking in three countries, as well as visited our partners at the Civil Service Training Centre.”

Emily Hayter, Programme Manager, Evidence Informed Policy Making

  1. Updates
  • Last week Ravi and Annelise were in Vietnam doing an AuthorAID train-the-trainers workshop in Thai Nguyen. See the hashtag #inaspVN for more information.
  • From 10th to 11th August managers of the Journals Online platforms and INASP staff will meet in Vancouver, Canada. Follow the hashtag #inaspJOLs for updates.
  • In preparation for the Journals Online Managers’ Meeting, we have created new country factsheets for the countries represented at the meeting. In addition, we have created factsheets for the five Journals Online platform that are still with INASP. See the publications section of our website for all the latest factsheets.
  1. Upcoming events
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