Weekly highlights – 20 July 2015


“Al terminar el curso, mi balance del mismo es altamente positivo. Ha sido una gran experiencia de aprendizaje, en muchos sentidos, no sólo en cuanto a la adquisición de conocimientos y habilidades para la escritura de textos científicos. Coincido con los compañeros en que hemos tenido un curso con contenidos valiosos, buenas estrategias de enseñanza-aprendizaje, unas excelentes facilitadoras y una amplia gama de aportaciones interesantísimas dadas por los compañeros de los dos grupos.

Por todo ello, ¡muchas gracias!”

“After finishing the course, my evaluation of it is highly positive. It was a great learning experience in many ways, not only in terms of acquiring knowledge and skills for writing scientific texts. I agree with colleagues that we have had a course with valuable content, good teaching and learning strategies, great facilitators and a wide range of very interesting contributions given by colleagues in the two groups.

Therefore, thank you very much!”

Participant on recent AuthorAID/Latindex online course in research writing skills


  1. Updates
  • INASP has announced that Jo Beall will be Chair of the Board of Trustees from November
  • A recent article in The Guardian newspaper quotes INASP staff Ruth Bottomley and Jon Harle and INASP board members Paschal Mihyo and Jo Beall
  • In the lead up to the annual VakaYiko consortium meeting, Clara Richards reflects on the past year


  1. Upcoming events
  • Jon Harle will be in Kenya this week talking to members of the Kenya Libraries and Information Services Consortium, reviewing progress of the consortium’s strategy plan for managing e-resource access.
  • From 27th to 31st July representatives of library consortia from across Africa will meet together in Ethiopia for the African Regional Meeting. The objective of this meeting, which will include representatives from Kenya, Uganda, Ghana, Tanzania, Malawi, Ethiopia, Zimbabwe, will be to support our consortium partners as they develop further as organizations with the strength to secure, provide and manage access to e-resources.
  • From 28th to 30th July the VakaYiko consortium will hold its annual meeting at GINKS’ headquarters in Accra, Ghana.
  • From 29th to 31st July we will be organizing a pedagogical skills follow-up workshop for teaching staff at the University Dar es-Salaam Information Studies Programme.
  • From 10th to 11th August managers of the Journals Online platforms and INASP staff will meet in Vancouver, Canada.


  1. Recent publications


  1. External coverage

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