Weekly highlights – 29 April 2015
Each week we collect together highlights from across INASP’s work. Here are some of the things we communicated about over the past week.
- Staff Highlight
“We were delighted to see the Civil Service Training Centre pilot course launch in Accra, Ghana last week. There was plenty of lively discussion and reflection on the use of information in informing policy. The sessions also benefitted from the valuable insights of some key external speakers from the University of Ghana and CSIR.”
Emily Hayter, Programme Manager, Evidence-Informed Policy Making
- Updates
- Several new Learning, Reflections and Innovations articles have recently been published: Developing information-resource skills trainers in Vietnam, Improving IT infrastructure to ensure better access to research and Supporting the digital readiness of library science graduates.
- Ruth Bottomley and Julie Brittain are at the Gender Summit Africa this week in South Africa, along with five female researchers that INASP is sponsoring to attend the meeting. Follow updates from the summit using the hashtag #GS5Africa.
- Plans are progressing for the Publishers for Development conference, which will take place on 30 June 2015, and the registration page is now open.
- Recent publications
Reflections on VakaYiko’s first year – 28 April
Five female researchers join INASP staff at Gender Summit Africa – 28 April
Publishers for Development 2015 Flash Sessions: Publishers – 27 April
Guest Post: Thanking AuthorAID for a Wonderful Experience at SCCP 2014 26 April
Improving IT infrastructure to ensure better access to research – 23 April
Supporting the digital readiness of library science graduates – 23 April
Needs Assessment: Strengthening Indigenous Academic and Digital Publishing in Tanzania – 17 April
The current state of Scholarly Journal Publishing in Bangladesh, 2014 – 16 April
Vietnam Evaluation Report – 16 April
Developing information-resource skills trainers in Vietnam – 16 April
- External coverage
Teaching Scientists in Developing Countries to Write – Huffington Post
Evidence Informed Policy Making Training opens in Accra – Ghana Broadcasting Corporation