Weekly highlights – 3 September 2015

  1. Quote

“INASP has been supporting us to grant access to many scholarly databases since 2006. This really enriches teaching, learning and research activities of all higher educational institutions of Sri Lanka. A big thanks to INASP.”

Excerpt from a comment on the blog post Training supports libraries to monitor use of e-resources

  1. Updates
  1. Upcoming events
  • From 8 to 10 September Deputy Executive Director Julie Brittain will be in Nairobi, Kenya for the launch of AESA and to meet with potential partners.
  • On 10 September Executive Director Sue Corbett will speak about the INASP Principles for Responsible Engagement at the Association of Learned and Professional Society Publishers (ALPSP) conference in Heathrow, London. Follow #alpsp15 for more from that conference.
  1. Recent publications
  1. External coverage

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