Untangling the impact of gender in the ‘hidden curriculum’
How university classes are taught can perpetuate unhelpful gender messages. Jennifer Chapin discusses the challenge and how a new framework for gender-responsive pedagogy can help.
How university classes are taught can perpetuate unhelpful gender messages. Jennifer Chapin discusses the challenge and how a new framework for gender-responsive pedagogy can help.
Gender-responsive pedagogy can play an important role in supporting higher-education institutions to produce students who go on to become gender-responsive professionals, leaders and citizens, and to play a critical role in addressing inequalities and building a more equitable future. Jennifer Chapin shares some thoughts for how this can be achieved from two new papers.
Jennifer Chapin reflects on what being gender responsive means for the TESCEA project in working with higher education to improve employability in Tanzania and Uganda.
At the AuthorAID Partners meeting in December partners shared their experiences and success stories from embedding research-writing training into their institutions. Jennifer Chapin shares some highlights
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