EIPM Readings #1: Scaling up evaluation as a source of learning and improving programming in Mexico

EIPM Readings #1: Scaling up evaluation as a source of learning and improving programming in Mexico

As part of the EIPM readings, Clara Richards summarizes the case of Mexico, a country that has developed a Monitoring and Evaluation system that has slowly changed the culture of using information from different types of evaluations to improve policy and programme.

Evidence-Informed Policy Making reading list

Evidence-Informed Policy Making reading list

In our work in the EIPM team at INASP we have realised that besides providing a technical approach to using evidence, it is also important to support policymakers to navigate change in the complex environments they work in.

How partnering with INASP supported our work to improve evidence use in Zimbabwe

How partnering with INASP supported our work to improve evidence use in Zimbabwe

Ron Munatsi, Programme Manager at the Zimbabwe Evidence Informed Policy Network (ZeipNET), reflects on some of INASP’s work to support...

The wisdom of crowds – Part 1

The wisdom of crowds – Part 1

In the first of a two-part blog, Sue Corbett reflects on INASP’s work to encourage collective problem solving at a national level.

21 years of climate discussions

What sort of deal will the Paris meeting agree to? Will it be legally binding? Ultimately, these questions place great hopes in the Paris talks but it remains to be seen if these hopes will come to pass... Guest blog post by Winnie Khaemba of the African Center for the Technology Studies, which presented at COP21 about work funded by a VakaYiko grant to bring together researchers and policymakers to discuss the development of Kenya's climate-change bill.

Knowledge cafe in Zimbabwe discusses evidence-informed policy making with stakeholders

The task now is to harmonize these and establish a working national evidence infrastructure to support evidence informed policymaking in Zimbabwe.

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