Scholars are scholars wherever you find them

Scholars are scholars wherever you find them

Here Ann Snoyenbos, Manager, International Sales and Special Markets, talks about her experiences of working via INASP to help researchers...

Cross searching of institutional repositories

Cross searching of institutional repositories

With the accelerating growth of institutional and subject repositories comes the need to be able to search across multiple repositories...

What is the role of a librarian in Research Data Management?

What is the role of a librarian in Research Data Management?

Last week (6 December 2013), I went along to the annual workshop of the International Association of Scientific and Technological...

ICT infrastructure for education is as much about people as technology

ICT infrastructure for education is as much about people as technology

Much has been made of the digital divide limiting progress in developing countries. In the world of research and higher...

Leadership in African Libraries

Leadership in African Libraries

A report from the African Library Summit conference July 3rd to 5th 2013 This second African Library Summit had 300...

Publishers for Development updates and hold the dates!

Publishers for Development updates and hold the dates!

Interest in Publishers for Development (PfD) continues to grow amongst our publishing partners and the wider community. Face-to-face networking is...

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