Postgraduate students working with Drosophila melanogaster at the Centre for Advanced Medical Research and Training, Usmanu Danfodiyo University, Sokoto, Nigeria

Digital learning isn’t good for equity – or is it?

Joanna Wild & Jon Harle – Photo: Kamaldeen Olal There is a consensus that digital learning isn’t equally accessible to...

Participants at Ethiopia Gender FoParticipants at Ethiopia Gender Learning Forum workshop

Tackling the gender divide in African research systems

To produce the most relevant and rigorous research we need the voices, ideas and expertise of women and men. But...

Students at Uganda Martyrs University, young woman in foreground, two young men and one young woman in backhground

How to make university classes more gender responsive

If changes to higher education are to achieve their objectives fully they need to be inclusive of all students. Mai Skovgaard shares what some university teaching staff in Tanzania and Uganda are doing to make their classes more gender responsive.

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