Why scientists seem to change their minds (1)

Why scientists seem to change their minds (1)

Approximately once a year, I get into an argument with my father about the reliability of scientific evidence. My dad...

Is brain drain relevant in an increasingly globalised world?

Is brain drain relevant in an increasingly globalised world?

Brain drain is a very emotive issue. Even the word ‘’drain’’ conveys a certain sense of siphoning off resources from...

Is well communicated research-evidence the panacea to evidence-informed policy making?

Is well communicated research-evidence the panacea to evidence-informed policy making?

“How do I make my research relevant to policy?” I believe this should be an imperative question for any empirical...

How do you measure development?

How do you measure development?

What does it mean when a country is classed as ‘developed’? It’s certainly not a finite state. For the World...

Online? Free? Open access? Confusions of a West African researcher

Online? Free? Open access? Confusions of a West African researcher

Last week I spent a great few days in Accra with a group of early career researchers from West Africa,...

Spreadsheets – a waste of time or a means to an end?

Spreadsheets – a waste of time or a means to an end?

I was one of a number of people in the room who sat up smartly when Ross MacIntyre opened his...

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