The INASP Principles in practice: relationships between library consortia and publishers
At INASP we are committed to sustainability in all the work that we do, be it working with researchers to...
At INASP we are committed to sustainability in all the work that we do, be it working with researchers to...
The Publishers for Development conference is an opportunity help shape the discussions about information access, information equality and how this can help developing-world research make a difference to developing-world problems. Anne Powell shares some topics that we will be discussing next week.
Abdullah Shams Bin Tariq from Bangladesh urges publishers to take advice from organizations such as INASP in understanding country context...
As Research Uptake Manager in the Evidence into Action team at the UK’s Department for International Development (DFID), Ed Barney...
A guest post by Teresa Hanley, Facilitator at Publishers for Development, Independent Consultant ( I was pleased to be asked...
Principle #4 Think medium to long term on pricing Principle #5: Be realistic about sales expectations – where increases are...