Cover of policy paper "Research Publishing Is an Under-Recognised Global Challenge"

Research Publishing Is an Under-Recognised Global Challenge: Opportunities for the G20 to Act

Global systems for disseminating new research continue to restrict access to significant amounts of new research and many cannot afford...

AuthorAID Nigeria hub pose for group photo

Launching AuthorAID hubs to deepen community engagement

Our aim with AuthorAID is to see more of its content and online courses coordinated and led by researchers in...

AuthorAID flourishes as a community-led platform for Southern researchers

The figures are stark – over the past 20 years, fewer than a sixth of articles in top development journals...


Should researchers really be worried about ChatGPT?

The Internet is abuzz with discussions about ChatGPT (Generative Pretrained Transformer), with many pundits expressing concern about the potential disruption this and other artificial intelligence (AI)...

Community members tell their AuthorAID stories

AuthorAID is one of INASP’s flagship initiatives. A pioneering global network, it provides support, mentoring, resources and training for researchers...

Journal editor doing an online course outside.

Stronger national journal publishing increases research relevance

The publishing strand of our Global Platforms for Equitable Knowledge Ecosystems supports journals in low- and middle-income countries with improving their publishing processes to support greater research impact in the countries. Sioux Cumming explains

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