In their own words: challenges and opportunities for Tanzanian women researchers
Women researchers from Dodoma University, AuthorAID project meeting, December 2016, Tanzania. ————————- – Blog post by Jennifer Chapin, Programme Manager,...
Women researchers from Dodoma University, AuthorAID project meeting, December 2016, Tanzania. ————————- – Blog post by Jennifer Chapin, Programme Manager,...
In the last year or so we’ve been grappling at INASP with what it means to take a systems approach...
Tech-solutionism is fairly common in the development sector; we regularly hear that a new widget or (increasingly) the latest app...
Addis Ababa is used to hosting big and important meetings. The African Union and UNECA are both based here. A...
Since 2011, INASP has offered several small grants of up to $500 to libraries and consortia to assist them in...
Does Tanzania have a reading culture? This was one of the questions raised at the launch of the Consortium of...
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