Person browsing on laptop

Online isn’t so good when you want learners to interact – or is it?

Joanna Wild & Jon Harle It’s a familiar concern – while learning online has some advantages, it’s just not that...

AuthorAID Nigeria hub pose for group photo

Launching AuthorAID hubs to deepen community engagement

Our aim with AuthorAID is to see more of its content and online courses coordinated and led by researchers in...

AuthorAID flourishes as a community-led platform for Southern researchers

The figures are stark – over the past 20 years, fewer than a sixth of articles in top development journals...

A birds eye view of a glass desk with the corner of a laptop, some flowers, a pen, glasses, notepad, and a kindle situated on top of the glass.

How can educators, researchers and practitioners use digital technologies to enable learning and support change?

The world woke up to online learning during the pandemic, but for the last 10 years we’ve been quietly developing...

Online learning: five ingredients of success

For more than five years, online learning has been an integral part of INASP’s capacity development approaches. Joanna Wild shares some key ingredients for success.

Why does it work? – INASP’s approach to online learning

For more than five years, online learning has been an integral part of INASP’s capacity development approaches. Joanna Wild reflects on the role of technology in capacity development and how we go about learning design.

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